Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Things are changing, I am too =)

As of 1st November 2011, I ended my life as a student, and will leave the books and studies behind, for a long time to come. Alhamdulillah and I hope that I successfully pass my exams with colours that fly off the wall *ok exaggerate*

Anyway, dah lama gila biar blog ni dormant. Biasa lettew, aku kan. Kehkehkeh. Busy study la uolss tak sempat mak nak hapdet hokay. Uolls janganlah marah mak, kelas giteww hak tuiii :P Ingatkan dah habis belajar ni boleh la nak relax, rupa-rupanya there are so many things to do! Truth is, I was so busy doing stuff that I keep on putting off updating this blog. Bukan apa noks, mak kan, kena ada environment yang sesuai nak taip-taip ni uolls. Ni kalau time menaip ada orang terjenguk-jenguk intai-intai, rasa nak cepuk pun ada. HAHAHA =) Gurau je ye sayang oi :P

I am currently trying to figure out what I wanna do with my life. When I finally finished my studies, and completed my final paper the other day, there is some profound relief that washed over me. But at the same time I also feel quite lost, as in I am not certain of what I will be looking at in the future. However, I always say this to myself when I am feeling uncertain;
"It's either to do what you love and be good with it, or do what you need to do and excel in it. Same results anyway."
Your choice. I repeat, your OWN choice. I mean, if I keep on complaining about hard times, hard subjects, personal problems, and don't try to adapt to the situation and change things so that instead of turning against me, they are WITH me then I guess it won't solve the problem. I try bitch about my problems for a while, and then try and face them, without any more complaining. 

Wah macam kaunseling gitewww aku nih.

Thing is, aku pegang kepada kata-kata orang bijaksana yang mengatakan bahawa, "Hidup mesti ada matlamat, dan bukan bergantung kepada luck and chance semata-mata." But right now aku takde letak any specific goal for my future. On a further note however, the only thing that is constant is change. Meaning that change will always happen. Maka aku harus tak perlu rigid sangat dengan plan hidup, okay aleensie? =)

Notakaki : Expect the best out of yourself, and demand nothing but the best from yourself.

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