Monday, December 5, 2011

A Quick Update

Dangg kebusy-an sepanjang tempoh menganggur ni membuatkan aku tak rasa macam aku menganggur pun. Memang tengah job hunting, but dek kerana keterlibatan dengan pelbagai aktiviti dan juga kerja part-time, baru sempat pegi 2 interviews je. I really really wanna get a job fast so that takde la aku duduk goyang kaki tak tau nak buat apa dengan hidup. I really dislike uncertainties, but in my field, uncertainties always happen and that I should take it as a challenge and tackle it step by step. Meaning that I should have a plan, contingency plan. Tapiiiiii setakat ni aku cuma hidup week by week basis je. Belum ada perancangan masa depan yang panjang. Sebabkan belum pasti what is in store for me in the future. Hence I leave it to Allah cos He knows best =)

Weekend kelmarin pergi a family gathering kat AFamosa Resort. Homaigod best gila gather dengan your close cousins, exchanging news about each other. Semua dah besar-besar, tinggal sekarang masa little cousins pulak. My generation, anak-anak Paklong, Makngah, semua dah almost finishing high school or in college/university. Best sebab I get to have real fun with my brother and sister selepas sekian lama tak bermain sungguh-sungguh. Sometimes a quick getaway like this is what you need most when you feel suffocated with the reality :P

Balik dari gathering, on the way home, I received SMS from Monash regarding my exam results. And I felt like crying in the car for I passed! I passed my degree! I can't even have enough words to describe my feelings right now. Yea you might think hek eleh pass exam pass degree je pun, kecah. But for me it is a big deal. All Mama and Abah's sacrifices, work, money and everything has come to this. To my finally graduating with a degree. Last 3-4 years I faced a major obstacle, one true demotivating factor that almost caused me to give up. I was really in a dark hole, dark place at that time. So when I get to finish my degree with satisfying results, let me celebrate. Let me have my moment. Savvy? Hehe =)

I'm looking at an angel, and believe me when I say she got that whole place glowing =)

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